Located on Sakishima Island in the Osaka Bay Area, Business Gateway ATC is a comprehensive business hub covering a range of fields.
Up until now, ATC has been the point of contact for various businesses predominantly in the Kansai area through offices and showrooms, shops and restaurants, event halls, permanent exhibits and other business-related facilities, while it has also been a hub for business support organizations to facilitate business incubation, and a platform for seminars and events.
Business Gateway ATC is a new, enhanced structure that seeks to support aspiring businesses in Kansai by combining these achievements and functions in an advanced manner.
The concept of this new hub is "Drive the business growth." By dynamically uncovering the latent issues of businesses in the area, and proactively providing solutions, Business Gateway ATC seeks to act as a growth driver.

Business Gateway ATC is not bound by business fields or stages of growth. It has on hand experts (community managers) in an array of fields, including technology, the environment/SDGs, nursing/welfare, creative arts, and living, who enable it to provide thorough support for business growth. The hub also works with the Osaka Business Development Agency.

  • Showrooms
  • Shops
  • Restaurants
  • Event/meeting halls
  • Experiments/demonstrations

Project creation
Aidor experiment
Creative & Design
Care & Welfare
Sustainable Development Goals
Housing equipment
Office & Showroom
Hall & Meeting room
Business matching
Events & seminars

*Consultations are free.
*Please understand that we may not be able to respond to all inquiries.

Start by getting in touch.

concierge Takayuki Fukui / Manager PR and Planning Office

Manager, PR and Planning Office, Asia and Pacific Trade Center (ATC)
Since joining ATC upon its establishment in 1994, Mr. Fukui has accumulated experience in all of ATC's sales divisions (halls, offices, commercial, and public). Currently, he is in charge of creation and PR for cross-functional projects both inside and outside the company.

ATC maximizes collaboration between its community managers and utilizes their expertise in a wide range of fields to support its customers' businesses. Start by getting in touch.

concierge Mayumi Tanaka / PR and Planning Office

Section Chief Representative, PR and Planning Office, ATC
After joining ATC in 1994 and being placed in charge of information, Ms. Tanaka joined the company full time in 1999.
Since then, she has worked in divisions related to building management, general affairs, public, commercial, and offices.
She has been at the PR and Planning Office since April 2020.

My job is to act as your point of contact. I look forward to your inquiries and consultations.

Community Manager